Where are you from? Richmond, VA
What is your current job? Family & Consumer Science Teacher (also FCCLA Sponsor, Sophomore Class Sponsor and New Teacher Mentor Lead)
Why did you choose HCS? If I ever was going to relocate I wanted to be in the Tidewater area. I chose Hampton City Schools because even during the interview process, I felt supported. I knew this would be a school system where I could grow.
What do you love about HCS? I love all of the new opportunities that HCS has to offer. The Academies of Hampton is a great program that will help our students prepare for life after high school.
What’s a fun fact about you? I am a career switcher. I previously worked as a category analyst for a grocery supply company.
Describe your job? Being a family & consumer science teacher allows me to teach students things they need all throughout life. Whether it is budgeting, caring for a child, or basic nutrition skills, they are able to learn things in my classes that I know they can use.
How does HCS support your growth? HCS not only provides fun and exciting professional development opportunities but the Teacher Leadership series is AMAZING! It helps you become a leader in your school even without a "title". I learned a lot there that helped me in some of my current roles. My leadership team also gives me the opportunity to learn and participate in programs outside of my subject area. This allows me to become a better educator.
Where are you from? I am originally from Richmond, Virginia. I was born in a place called Gilpin Court.
What is your current job? Currently I’m a Kindergarten teacher at Jane H. Bryan Elementary School. This is my second year with HCS.
Why did you choose HCS? I chose HCS because I wanted to help students who are from a plethora of social economic backgrounds. I also fell in love with Bryan Elementary School. The staff here is amazing and we are all working to do what’s best for kids.
What do you love about HCS? Something I love about HCS is the technology the students have access to use in and out of the classroom. I also really like having the support of an instructional assistant during the school year.
What’s a fun fact about you? Something most people do not know about me is that I love to travel the world and I’m obsessed with nature photography.
Describe your job? My job consists of loving kids first all the time. I conduct things like small groups, class meetings, guided writing practice and of course LOTS of fun learning experiences for the kids.
How does HCS support your growth? HCS supports my professional growth in several ways. One way that HCS supports my growth as an educator is through new year trainings that are focused around classroom management, Social Emotional Learning trainings, curriculum integration/resources and eventually leadership guidance.
Where are you from? I have been living in Hampton, VA since I was 5 years old.
What is your current job? I am currently working as a first grade teacher at Barron Elementary.
Why did you choose HCS? Hampton is my community. I live here and I want to have a positive impact on my community. I have three sons who attend schools in Hampton. I believe in our mission and our schools.
What do you love about HCS? Relationships and connections are so important to me. I love running into families at games, the pool and stores. Hampton has also allowed me opportunities for growth and leadership. Teachers who are learners have students who are learners. Hampton believes in children. We live our mission statement. Every child, every day, whatever it takes.
What’s a fun fact about you? I once went spelunking in college.
Describe your job? Teaching is the most fulfilling job. I get to be creative and help children reach their full potential. I love trying to figure out how to help a child learn a new concept, find an amazing book, or make a new friend.
How does HCS support your growth? HCS has afforded me many opportunities in and out of the division for professional growth. We are so fortunate to have so many wonderful resources at our fingertips via the Curriculum Instruction and Assessment database. Some say the best PDs happen with the teacher down the hall. HCS is full of passionate educators who know the business of teaching.